Without the wizardry of a magician, you’ll have little luck decoding labels on egg cartons at the grocery store. Terms like “cafe-free” and “free-range” are misleading, sometimes only guaranteeing that hens have up to one square foot of space to live. Different certifying bodies each have different standards (think: USDA, Certified Humane). This means that two separate cartons could be labeled “free-range,” but their farms follow totally different practices, and there's no way for you to know.
Eggsperience the empowerment of knowing eggactly where your eggs come from. As an in-the-know Local Roots member, you avoid the sketchy aisles of the grocery store (marketing ploys can’t fool you!). Instead, you can relax knowing your golden yolks come from hens who roam on pasture, snack on bugs and worms, and are fed no antibiotics or hormones. Now that’s something to get eggcited about.
The eggs are so good that they'll ruin your taste for other eggs. They scramble into a creamy breakfast that doesn't need any help from heaps of butter or milk. They radiate this shining golden glow from cracking throughout cooking that is so vibrant you're not sure if they're done or not. I never knew I could taste and crave and love a kind of egg so much.
Brittany B.
Local Roots member