Peak Flavor

Our farmers taste-test in the field and harvest for peak-flavor just for Local Roots members — many times, hours before delivery. That’s fresher than the farmers market and much fresher than your average 12 month old grocery store apple. So snap into that carrot. Bite into that juicy pear. And wave that fanning rainbow chard with pride!


Beautiful bunch of radishes from Local Roots

“Finally! Delicious and diverse food from responsible local farmers you can trust. Pickup and delivery means I never have to stress. Weekly recipes make cooking easy. And you can fully customize your order to meet your family size and taste. Local Roots NYC to the rescue!”

Local Roots Member

Gail Simmons

Culinary Expert, TV Host and Author

Weekly Recipes

Simple. Fast. Easy. Weekly recipes help you turn your harvest into a scrumptious meal. It’s like a farmers market meal box — only better, fresher, and tastier. Cue the Ratatouille-style flavor explosions!


Super Local

What does LOCAL even mean? At Local Roots, we have a very specific definition. All our food is grown and raised within an approximate 5-hour radius of NYC so you get only the best our region has to offer. Produce is picked to ensure maximum nutrient density and peak-flavor — even the time of day matters!


Farmer holding a radish

Community Power

We’re all about creating new ways of working, eating and living together. Giving family farms the long-term commitment they need to invest in regenerative methods. Connecting with our friends and neighbors. Growing resources within our community — making life richer, tastier, and happier for everyone.


Two Local Roots customers deciding what bunch of kale to bring home from their farm share

“Every Tuesday I get super excited to pick up my weekly harvest! I’m so happy walking to 61 Local and love chatting with the staff. Walking home with my fresh, delicious, healthy, local produce is a delight! Seriously. I feel connected to our earth, our farmers, and our community.”

Local Roots Member

Alyssa Abrahamson

Nutritionist, Burlesque Dancer

Flexible & Easy

Enjoy easy online ordering, set-it-and-forget-it subscriptions, delivery options, simple pausing, and curated weekly harvests that turn into heavenly meals. So relax, cook, eat, enjoy — and let Local Roots do the dirty work for you!

& Easy

Beyond Sustainable

Regenerative farming that protects soil, water, and surrounding ecosystems for generations to come. Humane care that gives animals a natural, healthy, happy life — without hormones or antibiotics. Minimal packaging that brings less waste into your home, and our planet!


Farmer standing behind cows

As Featured In

Become a Harvest Club Pick Up Location

Are you a NY based cafe, bar, or neighborhood business? Become a Harvest Club pick up location and have community members come to your establishment each week to pick up their Local Roots harvest.
