Are you a Local Roots lover with a hankering for a market in your neighborhood? Do you know “just the spot”?

More locals will know and love you.

What better way to show that you’re a vibrant neighborhood anchor than by hosting a Local Roots market? With our NY communities changing so fast, people really do need to feel a sense of stability and connection. You can give that to them. When you put down roots and serve your neighborhood, people notice. They talk. They spread the word. They show up — again and again.

Boost otherwise low-key nights.

Hosting a market is a great way to get more people in on slow nights! Choose from Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evenings. Most businesses host for 2 to 3 hours in the early evening — usually between 5 and 8 pm. You can count on 20+ members showing up to your fine establishment and telling their friends and neighbors all about their new favorite spot.

Support the sustainable, farm-fresh revolution.

Working with Local Roots, you play an active role in supporting local family farms and regenerative agriculture. Folks will look to you as advocates of animal dignity and as pillars of your community.

You rally the people — we take care of the rest!

We support our local business partners with professional, seamless service. To help get your new market off the ground, we provide promotional content, tools and inspiration to support your outreach. Season to season, we handle punctual set-up, staffing and clean-up.

What People Are Saying

“I went from being a member to a market leader when I realized my eyes are bigger than my wallet! That free weekly veggie share helps make my food dreams come true! Local Roots is the return to positive, human-scale commerce in our communities. The simple goodness of a being a real person handing people nutritious food, from a farmer we know. It makes capitalism feel better. If you like the community aspect of a CSA, being a market leader puts you at the center of that.”

Sarah C.

Market Leader at Stonefruit Espresso, Bedstuy

“One of my favorite things about being a Market Leader is that I get to connect with our members on a whole different level! We get excited about our shares together, come up with new recipes and tips, and even getting familiar with the foods that aren't as common in a supermarket! Not only did that help us feel more comfortable with having a seasonal food lifestyle, but it also made us better cooks at home since now we had a library of recipe ideas for anything from komatsuna to sunchokes!”

Stephen S.

Market Leader at Threes Brewing, Greenpoint

Rather have a taste first?

Local Roots Experiences are fun, pop-up events where we bring the farm to you!

Interested in Starting a Neighborhood Market?

Become a Harvest Club Pick Up Location

Are you a NY based cafe, bar, or neighborhood business? Become a Harvest Club pick up location and have community members come to your establishment each week to pick up their Local Roots harvest.
