Baked in tradition...
Orwashers is one of New York’s most iconic bakeries. Established in 1916 by Abraham Orwasher’s desire to provide culturally-relevant breads to the growing immigrant community, the bakery and its goods have become staples for generations of New Yorkers, including you.
But that’s not the only reason we love it. Since Orwashers changed hands in 2008, Keith Cohen was remained committed to continuing the bakery’s rich history, while creating some legacies of his own. In recent years, Orwashers has developed relationships and partnerships with regional farmers from whom they source raw materials. In addition, Orwashers has teamed up with Long Island-based wineries to create unique starters and wine breads by utilizing the best of local ingredients. Backed by tradition, driven by innovation, and always bringing the community together - that’s what we love about Orwashers.
Are you a NY based cafe, bar, or neighborhood business? Become a Harvest Club pick up location and have community members come to your establishment each week to pick up their Local Roots harvest.