Chaseholm Farms

July 17, 2017

Farmer: Sarah and Rory Chase
Product: Cheese
Growing: Non-GMO Feed, pasture raised
Location: Pine Plains, NY

Grazing the bar...

Chaseholm Farm is not just a small-scale multi-generational family farm, it’s an agricultural revolution. The Chase family has been farming dairy cows on the land since the 1930s, but when Sarah took over in 2013, she brought with her some major changes, namely 100% grass-fed, organic cows and the goal of making Chaseholm Farms not just sustainable, but regenerative.


Using holistic and systems-thinking techniques like minimized tillage, rotational grazing, cover cropping, and prioritizing soil microbiology, Sarah and Rory are not only able to save money while producing top-quality cheeses,  but they’re creating a harmonious relationship with their environment. Today, the siblings manage the farm in an equally harmonious; Sarah manages the dairy herd and grazing lands, while Rory turns that milk into delicious probiotic cheeses, a skill which he developed in college when he began to brew kombucha in his dorm. Together, the siblings are leading the charge for sustainable, ethical, ecological, and regenerative dairy - and we’re proud to be a loyal supporter.


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