Tudou Si (Jalapeño Shredded Potatoes)

November 01, 2021

This side dish is popular in homestyle Chinese cooking, and every home has its own favorite variation of it. Try this basic recipe and tweak to your liking — some prefer to add Chinese vinegar to add a sour punch and others prefer to leave the potatoes on the more raw, crunchy side.


  • 1 lb potatoes
  • 2 jalapeño peppers
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • ¾ tsp salt


  1. Fill a large bowl halfway with cold water. Peel the potatoes. Slice one side of each potato and rest the flat side on the cutting board so the potato is stable. Begin slicing planks of potato, as narrow as you can. Cut each plank into thin strips that look like ribbons. Place the potato ribbons into the cold water as you go. This keeps the potatoes from oxidizing and reduces the starch in the texture of the final dish. 

NOTE: If you slice stacked planks, be careful of your fingers because the potatoes may slip around.

  1. Slice the jalapeños into thin rounds, then cut each round into smaller slices. If you don’t want the dish to be so spicy, you can de-seed the jalapeño first. Wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your eyes. 
  2. In a nonstick pan, heat 1 tbsp of sesame oil over medium heat. Drain the potatoes, then add to the pan. Stir to coat in oil, then sprinkle over 1 teaspoon of salt and mix well. 
  3. When the potatoes have begun to go slightly translucent but still don’t bend, add the jalapeños. You can add a splash of water (½ tbsp at a time) to speed up the cooking. Saute for two more minutes, or until the potatoes are soft at the ends but still firm in the middle. Serve.

NOTE: Everyone’s preference is different — some like their potatoes on the crunchy side, some on the softer. The important thing is that the potatoes remain individual shreds, and don’t soften to the point of mashing together.

This recipe was created by Local Roots Recipe Developer Irena Huang.

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