Tomato Panzanella with Coriander Berries

July 30, 2019

Recipe by Local Roots recipe contributor, Netanya Rommel@netanyar

My favorite part of summer is enjoying a fresh panzanella salad. The great thing about this recipes that you can sub any vegetable (or stone fruit) you have laying around. This week I chose to put one together with some fresh tomatoes, callaloo leaves and a lemon vinaigrette with coriander berries. 


2 tomatoes, chopped into large wedges 

Callalool leaves, torn in pieces 

2 cups of toasted sourdough or country bread 

1/2 cup olive oil 

1 lemon

1 clove garlic, grated

1 tsp coriander berries 

Salt & Pepper 

Fresh herbs (mint, parsley, etc.), chopped

Directions: In a bowl, combine olive oil, garlic, lemon and coriander berries. Season to taste. Toss in half of the sourdough bread. Let sit for 5 minutes. Toss in callalool leaves, and fresh herbs. Season with salt and pepper.



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