Spring Green Fried Rice

May 15, 2019

Recipe by Local Roots recipe contributor, Netanya Rommel, @netanyar 

Fried rice is a great staple to have in your recipe repertoire because it's so versatile. Instead of carrots, peas and onions as the base, I used the ramps and greens from this week's market as well as the beautiful hon tsai tai flowers to garnish the rice at the end. And if you're up for a little project, I always like to top off my rice with some pickled celery and fried garlic chips! 


5 ramps, chopped 

1/2 cup hon tsai tai leaves, chopped 

1/2 cup komatsuna, chopped 

1 inch knob of ginger, minced

2 garlic cloves, minced

1/4 cup peas

Sesame Oil 

1 cup of cooked rice 

2 eggs

1 tablespoon soy sauce, more to season

Cilantro, for garnish 


1. In a skillet, saute ramps, hon tsai tai, komatsuna, ginger and garlic for a few minutes. Season with salt. 

2. Add cooked rice to skillet. Let cook until bottom or rice gets somewhat crispy. Add soy sauce. 

3. Make a well in the skillet (moving rice and veggies to the edge of the skillet). Add eggs and cook until scrambled. Mix scrambled eggs in with the rest of the rice and veggies. Add peas and season with more soy sauce if needed. 

4. Garnish with hon tsai tai flowers and cilantro. 


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