Spicy Ginger and Veggie Juice

January 26, 2022

My friend John starts every morning with a shot of extremely spicy, immune boosting, homemade ginger turmeric juice. We made it together recently with a bunch of Local Roots veggies, and it was a hit. This is a great way to get some amazing vitamins in your system, and this homemade version is way stronger than anything you can get at a health foods store. Having a shot of this juice in the morning is sure to wake you up!


2 large pieces of ginger (about 1 cup, cut up)

3 knobs fresh turmeric

1 whole lemon, washed well 

1 large Local Roots carrot 

1 Local Roots beet 

½ tsp. black pepper

½ tsp. cayenne

1 tsp. dried turmeric

 ¼  tsp. cardamom

2 cups water 


1. Wash the vegetables and ginger well, and soak them in a bowl of cold water for 20 minutes.

2. Peel the beet. Cut everything else into bite sized pieces. Feel free to keep the peel on the ginger, turmeric, and even the lemon.

3. In a high powered blender, blend the vegetables, lemon, ginger and spices with 2 cups of water.

4. Add more water if the mixture is too thick.

5. Strain through a fine mesh strainer or a nut milk strainer bag.

6. Store in the refrigerator. Juice will keep for about a week. 


This recipe was created by Local Roots recipe contributor Sachi Nagase / @bothand.nyc

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