Sauteed Zucchini with Spring Onions

May 31, 2019

Simple vegetables can get a whole new flavor with the sweet bite of spring onions. A classic pan sear tastes like springtime when you add a stalk or two.

What you’ll need:

  • Zuchinni
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Spring Onions

What you’ll do:

  • Slice Zucchini into thin sheets, salt and pepper to taste
  • Mince fresh garlic and roughly chop spring onions
  • In a skillet add olive oil and heat
  • Add zucchini and cook for 2 to 3 minutes on medium / high heat
  • Flip zuchinni and add garlic and spring onions
  • Cook until golden brown on both sides

Serve as a side, an entree, or a top a mixed green salad!

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