Radish & Shishito Frittata

September 20, 2018


Shishito peppers
Radishes (and their tops)
Olive oil
Salt & Pepper

The How-Tos
1. Remove the tops from the radishes, roughly chop, and thoroughly wash by soaking in a large bowl or salad spinner. Continue to clean until all sand and grit is gone from the bottom of the bowl. Then boil for ~15 to soften them. 

2. As the greens are softening, finely chop a handful of shishito peppers and begin sweating them in a splash of olive oil in a warm pan over a moderate heat. 

3. When the greens are tender (fish a piece out and taste--is it still tough and chewy?) add them straight into the skillet with the shishitos and allow to saute for a couple minutes. Season lightly with salt & pepper and move everything around.

4. Crack 4-5 eggs (6 if smaller) and beat well until it's a uniform yellow color and you don't see streaks of the whites anymore. Add a pinch or 2 of salt and some pepper, mix in, and pour the eggs over the peppers and greens in the pan. 

5. Place a lid over the the pan, turn the heat down to the lowest, and cook until the egg is set. While the frittata is cooking thinly slice some of the radishes and garnish the frittata with the colorful slices before serving. 

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