Pickled Radish Greens

January 13, 2021

Please don’t throw away your radish tops! Pickled radish greens can be as delicious and versatile (and healthy!) as the radishes themselves. This quick and easy pickling method preserves them for a week when refrigerated, so you can add a bright, ginger-y punch to any meal.

Serves 1-2


1 bunch Local Roots radish tops

1/4 inch knob of ginger

1 Tbsp. mirin or substitute 1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. soy sauce 

¼ cup rice vinegar 

2 tsp. sesame oil 



  1. Wash the radish tops thoroughly. 
  2. Separate the stalks from the leaves, and cut the stalks into roughly 1-inch sized pieces.
  3. Peel and mince the ginger.
  4. Heat a small skillet and add the sesame oil.
  5.  When the oil smells fragrant, add the ginger and stir.
  6. Add the radish greens. Stir-fry lightly until just wilted. Season with salt. 
  7. In a separate heatproof bowl or jar, add the sugar, soy sauce, and rice vinegar. 
  8. Add the cooked radish tops to the liquid.
  9. Chill the pickled greens in the fridge for at least 20 minutes, or until you need them. The pickles can be stored up to a week in the fridge.

This recipe was created by Local Roots Recipe Contributor Sachi Nagase / @bothand.nyc

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