Pickled Fennel and Beet Salad

July 14, 2019

Recipe by Local Roots recipe contributor, Chef Casey Corn @casey_corn

We eat a TON of fennel in my household. I'm not a big fan of anise-flavored things, but I do love fennel, and my husband loves vegetables and crunchy things. It's a great veg because of its versatility...you can eat it raw, pickled, roasted, braised, or any other way you like. And bonus, any trimmings you have left over are great in stock!


for the pickles:

1 ea fennel bulb, medium size

⅓ c umeboshi vinegar

⅔ c rice wine vinegar

½ c water

⅓ c sugar

1 Tbs soy sauce

1 tsp chinese mustard

for the salad:

1 bu beets, red and gold

1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil

2 tsp kosher salt

1 ea small fennel, including fronds

½ c Pickled Fennel

½ c sheep’s milk yogurt

1 Tbs white miso



1. Preheat oven to 375F.

2. Remove greens from beets, then wash and pat dry. Line a baking sheet with foil. Rub beets with olive oil, season with salt, and place on baking sheet. Cover with more foil, then place in oven for 45 min, or until a fork slides easily into the beets. Remove from oven to cool.

3. While beets are cooling, make pickles. Trim stems/fronds from the bulb, then cut fennel in half longways, from stems to root. Slice off any discolored or bruised parts, including the very base of the fennel. Cut again through the core, creating four quarters. Carefully trim the core away, starting from the pointed top.

4. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a small pot, and bring to a boil.

5. Using a mandoline or a sharp knife, slice fennel as thinly as possible. Transfer to a heat safe bowl or jar. Pour boiling pickling liquid over, and let sit until cool.

6. Quarter the other fennel bulb, remove the core, and slice very thinly. Cover, and set aside.

7. Whisk together yogurt and miso until smooth, then set aside.


8. Using a dish cloth you don’t mind staining, peel the beets. Cut into smaller quarters or slices.

9. Spread yogurt sauce onto a plate. Lay beets over, then sliced raw and pickled fennel, and top with fennel fronds.


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