Hot & Cool Spiced Carrots

July 22, 2019

Hot & Cool Spiced Carrots 
Every component of this dish is lovely on its own but together, it’s  a real “wowza” of flavors. There will be leftovers of the sauces and I encourage you to use them on grilled meats. Feel free to contact me with any questions at or @mwatsonnyc. 
YIELD: Serves 2
TIME: 30 minutes
Spicy yogurt:
2 cups 2% fat Greek yogurt (Fage preferably)
2 tablespoons sriracha
2 teaspoons Chinese five spice powder
Juice of ½ lime
6 large or 8 smallish Kaffir with leaves 
Herb sauce:
1 cup mint leaves
1 cup cilantro leaves
lemon juice to taste
1/2 cup  olive oil
Glazed Carrots:
1 bunch small carrots with tops and leaves attached
Olive oil
1 cup water or chicken stock
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 1/2 teaspoon cumin 
1/2 lemon
1/4 cup honey
zest of 1 lemon
1/4 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
Carrot tops, picked off
1. Make the yogurt sauce. In medium sized bowl, add all ingredients. Stir and season with salt to taste. If you prefer more heat, add more sriracha. Remove vein from kaffir lime leaves with a knife. Mince as finely as you can or grind in spice grinder. You want visible dust. When done, set yogurt aside.
2. Make the herb sauce. Place herbs in a blender with olive oil and blend until smooth, not chunky. Add more olive oil, if needed. Season with salt and lemon juice. Set aside. 
3. Assemble and cook carrots. Use a sauce pan or cast iron pan- 10-12 inches, at least. The carrots need to be spread out with plenty of surface area exposed. Remove tops from carrots without discarding the tops. Then peel them and any cut thick ones in half vertically. 
4. Heat olive oil in pan until the oil starts to ripple. Add carrots to pan and spread them out. You want to hear the sound of searing. Then, add liquid. Bring to boil and turn down to a simmer. Add some salt. Once 80% of the water has evaporated, check for doneness. If you can easily make an indentation I’m carrot, you are in good shape. You do not want them 100% cooked at this time. 
Raise the heat up to medium-high and add butter and cumin. You want butter to bubble and brown and the spiced cumin to toast in the butter. Stir carrots and make sure they are all coated and spread out. This is where they pick up color. After about 3-5 mins the carrots should be softer and the butter sauce should stick. Add lemon juice and stir. Then, follow with honey. This will give an additional glaze to the carrots. Let this cook and bubble away for another 3 minutes. You can turn the heat down if you feel it can burn. Taste a piece of carrot and add salt if needed. 
5. Garnish. While the carrots are cooking, heat the pumpkin seeds on medium heat in any pan. Make sure to keep tossing so they toast evenly. You want mild color and for them to smell fragrant. 
Pick off 1/4 cup of leaves from carrot tops and place in a small ice water bath. This will make them vibrant for the plate.
6. To assemble, grab a nice plate or small platter and place some of the yogurt on the bottom. Follow with carrots. Then, spoon extra brown butter/honey sauce over top. Follow with a nice drizzle of the herb sauce. Follow by scattering carrot tops, pumpkin seeds and the zest of 1 lemon. 
Most importantly, enjoy!

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