Hasselback Carrots with Miso Butter

March 15, 2021

These carrots are a quick and exciting way to eat your vegetables! This recipe takes less than 15 minutes to make, and the results are worth the knife work. The caramelized miso butter adds a cheesy quality to the sweet carrots, and the fattiness is cut with the fresh ginger and green onions. The pinch of something spicy brings it all together! 

Servings: 2


2 large Local Roots organic carrots

2 Tbsp white miso

2 Tbsp unsalted grass-fed butter

3 tsp mirin

1 tsp ginger

1-2 tsp scallions

Pinch of gochugaru or red pepper flakes



  1. Heat some water in a pot. 
  2. Peel and cut the carrots in half so you have 4 generally equal sized portions. 
  3. Steam the carrots for 4-5 minutes or until they are just about tender. If you don’t have a steamer, you can gently boil the carrots. 
  4. While the carrots are cooking, mix together the softened butter, miso, and mirin. If it begins to curdle, don’t worry! Microwave the mixture for 5-10 seconds to loosen it and it will come together. 
  5. Peel and slice ginger. Chop green onions.
  6. Once the carrots are slightly tender but still have some bite, pull them out to cool. 
  7. When cool to touch, cut a bit off the bottom to create a base for your carrots. Place 2 chopsticks along either side of the carrot. Cut the carrots into ⅛th inch slices or as thinly as you like. 
  8. Slice the remaining carrots. Place the carrots in an ovenproof pan. 
  9. Spoon over the miso butter. Gently spread the slices as you pour the butter. Reserve 1 Tbsp of the miso butter for the end. 
  10. Place the carrots under a broiler for 2-3 minutes or until the carrots have slightly charred. 
  11. Pull the carrots out and immediately spoon over the remaining 1 Tbsp of miso butter. 
  12. Garnish with ginger, green onions, and gochugaru. Enjoy!

This recipe was created by Local Roots Recipe Contributor Katie Yun/ @bothand.nyc

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