Gnocchi with Broccoli Rabe

October 03, 2018


broccoli rabe

The How-tos

1) Scrub and cut the potatoes into large pieces and add to a pot of salted boiling water. Cook until fork tender.

2) As the potatoes are cooking, roughly chop and soak the broccoli rabe to clean any grit, and allow to drain in a colander. Finely chop some garlic (1-3 cloves depending on how much you like and the size of them) and get that started in a splash of olive oil. Once the garlic is fragrant, add the drained broccoli rabe (any excess water will help it wilt down) and cook it down until dark and wilted.

3) Once the potatoes are tender, drain them and allow them to cool slightly, until you an handle them. Peel and return to the pot. Mash, and then turn out onto a board. Season with salt and pepper, and then starting with a handful of flour, begin kneading the potatoes. Continue, handful by handful, until a dough begins to form. You will clearly start to feel a difference. 

4) Roll the dough into a thick log, and the cut into quarters. 

5) Roll each quarter into a snake, then cut into small piece, about 1/2 inch pieces.

6) Using the back of a large fork, roll each piece down the fork to form the gnocchi shape. Dust with flour as needed so the dough doesn't stick to your fingers or the fork.

7) Drop the gnocchi into a pot of salted boiling water and cook for a couple minutes until they float. Remove from the water carefully using a slotted spoon (any water still on them is fine and will help any sauce you toss them in) and then toss in pesto, tomato, or any sauce you want. (I used a pesto made with radish tops from LR) and then serve with the broccoli rabe and plenty of cheese.

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