Fall Veggie Hash

September 09, 2020


Using alternative and more nutritious oils, this dish takes no short cuts in packing in the healthiest possible ingredients to make for a delicious guilt-free hash that's perfect for breakfast (read: poached egg), lunch, or dinner. This recipe is the perfect base to build upon with added proteins, sauces, or whichever condiment needs using up inside the fridge. It boasts a unique sweetness that comes together through the inclusion of the brussels sprouts, sweet potato, and apple. Keeping this recipe in our back pocket, we're moving on to create delicious, vitamin-filled (B6, iron, etc.) full-of-potential meals to last a lifetime given this hash's versatile nature and mass appeal.



1 small bag of Local Roots brussels sprouts 

1 large Local Roots sweet potato

1 medium Local Roots honey crisp apple

1/4 cup pecans or walnuts


~1 tablespoon coconut oil

~ 2 tablespoon avocado oil

Sea salt

Black pepper



1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Using a vegetable peeler, peel the outside of the sweet potato. Cut the sweet into cubes. Half the brussels sprouts and remove the stems. Place the sweet potatoes and brussels sprouts on a baking dish with ~2 tbsp of avocado oil and season with salt and pepper. Cook for ~35 minutes or until the potatoes are soft with crispy edges and the brussels sprouts are crispy. Alternatively, cook in an air fryer for ~20 mins.

3. Cut the honey crisp apple into small slices. In a frying pan, sauté the apple slices in 1 tbsp of coconut oil and cinnamon. Cook until the apple slices have softened and become fragrant.

4. Remove the apple slices from the pan and place off to the side. In the same pan, add the pecans or walnuts and cook on low heat until the nuts begin to darken and appear “toasty.”
6. Combine the brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, apples, and nuts into a bowl and mix together. Place a portion of the vegetable hash on a plate and enjoy!

Recipe by Local Roots New Yorker Mel Spinella @wellbymel_

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